So, today I had some self body image issues today. It didn't last long...but it made me feel pretty crumby.
After an awesome cardio and core workout, I went to a swim store to find a lap swim suit (I signed up for sprint Tri in July...actually, my husband signed us up for one.) Now, I HATE running, I hate anything cardio. The reason being, is my cardiovascular system is SERIOUSLY out of shape. I'll do sprints...with a decent break in between. But long distant thanks.
Anyway, my daughter S (whom will be 3 this week) and I went to the store, and I picked out some 1 piece suits to try on. I quickly realized that they are NOT flattering for the not very toned body. And then my sweet S, rolls out this gem: "Get your big butt in there." Ahhh the things that little ones will say...and how they can quickly drive your self esteem into the pavement.
So, as we are driving home, I'm totally beating myself up. I mean, just last November, I competed in a bikini competition; and I felt AMAZING. I was in the best shape of my life, at 30yrs old!
But then I really started to think:
1) I haven't been working out regularly
2) I haven't been eating like I should
What the heck was I to expect!? Nobody can keep a body in shape, while eating junk and not working out.
Then I found my silver lining!
I realized, with the...umm....excess that wasn't fitting so nicely into my new suit...those are my new measurements! Let's see how much I can get those to shrink!
So here's my plan of attack:
I'm attending a wedding 7.5 weeks from today, and I have a cute dress, spaghetti strapped dress, that I want awesome legs and arms to go with it!
Since I'm starting training for a triathlon, (I'm using the app called First Time Tri. You just put in the date of your triathlon and your skill level, and it gives you a 12 week program! BOOM! Day by day workouts, right at your finger tips!)
So, I will be doing these workouts. However, since I despise cardio, I'm also going to be implementing weight training as well.
Here's how those days are going to go:
Monday: Upper Body (4 sets, 3-5 reps, at 80-90% 1RM) I'll go over that a little later
Tuesday: Lower Body (4 sets, 3-5 reps, at 80-90% 1RM)
Wednesday: HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) and Core
Thursday: Upper Body (4 sets, 8-12 reps, at 70-80% 1RM)
Friday: HIIT and Core
Saturday: Lower Body (4 sets, 8-12 reps, at 70-80% 1RM)
Sunday: Yoga
Here's where it gets slightly confusing....
In the mornings, I will be doing my Tri training workouts (at least the running and biking). Then the days that I have listed above, for my HIIT and Core, I will be doing at home, in the morning (the lifting will be done at the gym). And the mornings that I will be doing the HIIT and Core, I will be doing my swimming at the gym.
Does that make sense? I hope so!
So, with this work load, I should be good to go by the wedding in June!
The big thing, is nutrition! I have told people time and time again, that you can NOT outwork a bad diet! So, it's back to the basics...and by basics, I mean basic foods. No more processed stuff, no more foods that make my tummy not happy. If you have access to do a food SENSITIVITY test, I highly recommend it! It's different than a food ALLERGY test, in that you don't have serious reactions to certain foods, they may just cause bloating and minimal that you may not even notice it! But it could be the reason you're not losing weight!
But a good start, is cut out the processed food, cut out the junk food, cut out the sugar, and cut out the booze. Now I'm not saying you need to cut these things out 100%. Because it is hard for most people to stick to that kind of a strict lifestyle change!
Here's my little story on that:
Training for my competition in November, I started out with one trainer...and she was HARD CORE! I mean, there was no give in my nutrition plan, whatsoever! (She actually gave me a good lecture because I had gyro meat on my salad!)
Anyway, I realized that I was stressing out about this nutrition plan she had me on (and we all know what stress does to the body!) so I decided to switch trainers. And my second trainer was AMAZING! She was always positive and upbeat, always sending me "good vibes" and I learned a TON from her! (Her method of training, was my push for me to become a nutritionist (Or at least start going to school for it!)) One thing she told me, is that once a week (the same meal, on the same day...I did Saturday night) I could have a cheat meal. I mean, all out cheat meal! My first cheat meal in months was Mexican food! Chips and salsa, margaritas and tacos! And can I tell you, I was so happy about this cheat meal, that I almost cried...seriously.
These cheat meals, sent my metabolism into overdrive to burn off all that I ate, and then on Sunday, when I went back to my original meal plan, my metabolism was still in overdrive. Yeah, the morning after my cheat meal I would weight a few pounds more, but then a couple days after that, I was down from my Saturday morning weight!
My body totally responded to this once a week cheat meal deal! And I couldn't be happier!
What is 1RM?
Your 1 Rep Max, is just that. When doing an exercise, how much can you lift, just one time. Now, going out and trying to bench 200lbs isn't a good idea! So I've attached a link that can help you calculate your 1RM and there percentages of that!
You put in how many pounds, and how many reps, then hit calculate. WALA! There is your 1RM in front of you!
Website for 1RM Calculator!
Now, on my lifting days, I have broken down like this:
Upper body:
2 Back Exercises
2 Bicep Exercises
2 Tricep Exercises
2 Shoulder Exercises
1 Chest Exercise
(if any of these exercises can be doubled up, I do that to save time. i.e. bicep curl with a shoulder press)
Lower Body:
I do 7 different leg exercises, to hit every muscle group in the leg. Your legs make up the most muscle mass in your body....make them work, and build them up! (The more muscle you have, the more fat your body burns....muscle burns fat!)
Everything I do, I do in plank. It is SUCH a good total core workout!
Here's my core workout:
10 push-ups
Plank (as long as I can hold it)
10 Push-ups
Plank Knee Tucks (12-15 reps)
10 Push-ups
Plank Knee to Elbow (right side) (12-15 reps)
10 Push-ups
Plank Knee to Elbow (left side) (12-15 reps)
10 Push-ups
(Repeat 3 times)
Now, when it comes to push-ups, I have to do mine on my knees for 2 reasons:
1) Push-ups on my toes, hurt my shoulders
2) I get better range of motion...meaning I'm working more muscles.
So, this wedding is 7.5 weeks out, and this is my plan! Feel free to ask questions or join in with me!
Thanks for reading!
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