Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Revamping My Days! YAY!

Good day, good day! How is your day going thus far? I'm excited about today! I've realized that I've been feeling unorganized, and unmotivated...and I don't like it. So, its time to make a change.
Here are the 3 things I want to make changes to:
1) Organizing My Home Life
2) Financial Organization
3) Health and Fitness
These three things are things that I really enjoy, and I'm going to explain how I plan on doing each of these.

Let's start off with "Organizing My Home Life"
We moved from a (large) 4 bedroom house, on 3 acres; to a 2 bedroom apartment (by choice).  My hubby and I realized that we had too much stuff that was collecting dust.  So we figured if we moved into a smaller place, it would force us to downsize...and it did.  However, I think we still have stuff that can get sold, donated or thrown out.
Here's my thought process:
*Is it worth money? And not money to YOU, but would somebody else think it's worth money? If the answer is yes, sell it! Have a yard sale, or Craigslist is awesome!
* Is it not worth the time and hassle of selling, but is still in good shape? Donate it! (This is my favorite option! Just ask our 2yr old. If she can't find something, she always asks me "did you donate it?" haha makes me giggle)
* Is it just, well, junk? Those happy meal toys, broken toys, a stack of magazines, that craft project you never got to...throw it out! Get the clutter out!

Now, for "Financial Organization"
My husband and I are huge fans of Dave Ramsey! And we particularly love his Envelope System!
Basically, the way it works, is you figure out your budge..and every penny has a place.  So we have our rent budgeted, utilities (and if they vary in prices...I always aim a little higher, to makes sure it's covered) health care, credit card, entertainment, food, gas, babysitter, vehicle maintenance, home maintenance, clothes, gym membership, personal allowance, daughters' allowance, dog food, dog grooming, etc.
Now, go through these, and see which one's can be paid with cash. Pretty much all of them, except rent, utilities, medical and credit cards.

Now, budget certain amount of money for the cash accounts. When it comes to the entertainment and personal allowance...don't "short change yourself".  If you keep things too tight, its harder to stick to the budget. But if you allow for yourself to still enjoy the things you like to do (like movies and dinner), it will be easier to keep to the plan.  Just cut back the amount of times you go out to dinner. (We allow ourselves $300 a month in entertainment).

Now that you have that established, you can either make some cute envelopes for each category, or order some from Dave Ramsey's website (posted below). Every time you put money in, you write down the date, the amount, and current balance. And every time you spend money, write the date, where you spent the money (i.e. walmart) and how much, and then the balance again.
If the money is gone from the envelope...guess's gone until next paycheck or month.

Budgeting and using the envelope system is such a stress free way of keeping on track with your finances. And any change we accumulate from using the envelope system, goes into a 5 gallon water jug. Consider it change, for a rainy day :)

Lastly, Health and Fitness:
So I've been a health nut for several years! I love everything fitness and nutrition related (I'm currently going to school to become a holistic nutritionist! And probably personal training certification, after that!)
Anyway, I competed in my first bikini competition, back in Nov '14. It was such a great experience! However, since my competition, I haven't been doing much working out...or eating healthy...and my body feels it!
Well, I decided enough is enough, I want to start feeling good and confident again!
I'm not really counting calories, I'm just making sure that what I put into my body, is true, healthy and as close to the natural source as possible!
And my workouts are going to be laid out simply, and executed with the utmost focus!
It basically looks like this:

Monday: Upper Body (3-5 reps, 4 sets, at 80%-90% my 1 Rep Max)

Tuesday: Lower Body (3-5 reps, 4 sets, at 80%-90% my 1RM)

Wednesday: HIIT Cardio (10min warm-up, 30min intervals, at 15% incline)

Thursday: Upper Body (8-12 reps, 4 sets, at 70%-80% my 1RM)

Friday: HIIT Cardio (10 min warm-up, 30min intervals, at 15% incline)

Saturday: Fat Burn Cardio (10min warm-up, 30min in zones 1&2, 15% incline)

Sunday: Yoga

After my lifting days, I'll do 30 minutes of the fat burn cardio again (minus the 10min warm-up, because I'll do that before my lifting starts)

I haven't decided which workouts I'm going to do for my lifting days, but I better get on that, because I lift tomorrow.  However, I know my exercise will be the same.

Below, I'll post a link to figure out your 1RM.  This is handy when trying to do a  certain percentage (like my above plan); and also, I feel like it makes me push myself to see how much I can lift...safely, and most importantly...WITH GOOD FORM! If you're unsure of an exercise, it is best to ask a trainer for direction!

Stay tuned to find out what exercise I'm doing! I plan on doing some of my favorites, but then also incorporating new ones!
Until then...thanks for stopping by!

Dave Ramsey's Envelope System:

1 Rep Max Calculator

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